SEO Specialist

We are looking for an SEO Specialist to join our team!

Responsibilities Include

  • Working closely with multiple websites in multiple languages
  • Working with content marketing to define keyword, meta tags, and structured data, recommend keyword placement and provide edits during the drafting process.
  • Scalable on-site optimization of SEO elements, schema, internal and external linking strategies, and programmatic content
  • Perform keywords and competitor research to identify opportunities for organic growth
  • Perform technical audits on websites to identify on page optimization, technical issues, and content analysis resulting in performance reports.
  • Analyze competitor data to identify trends and opportunities to implement into our SEO strategy resulting in top search engine rankings among competitors.​

Required Skills

  • Firm knowledge and understanding of SEO
  • Strong acknowledgment of SEO key concepts (Keywords Analysis, Content clustering, Partnerships, Link building expertise)
  • Up to date knowledge of link building best practices and strategies for optimized link acquisition.
  • Knowledge of the financial field would be considered as an advantage

For candidates interested in the position, please send your resume at  [најави се за да го видиш е-маилот]

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