Data Engineer

За компанијата: Кеитаро е компанија со отворен извор што ги поттикнува деловните субјекти, владите и заедниците во целиот свет. Нашата цел е да обезбедиме најдобри решенија и услуги во класа со креативно користење... повеќе за компанијата »

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Keitaro is hiring a Data Engineer with at least one year of experience in the industry. We develop top-notch solutions and are looking to expand our team. If you want to work in a dynamic atmosphere and are ready to learn and grow along the way, join us at some of our existing offices or remotely.

In your role as a Data Engineer, your tasks will consist of collaborating with the team to develop, maintain, and test infrastructures for data generation. You will work on expanding and optimizing our data and data pipeline architecture, as well as optimizing data flow and collection for cross-functional teams.

Required skills

  • Previous experience as a data engineer or a database developer
  • Technical expertise in data models, data mining, and segmentation techniques
  • Knowledge of SQL and PL/SQL
  • Experience with open-source technologies
  • Experience with Linux
  • Basic knowledge of Java, Python, JS, or other technologies
  • Hands-on experience with database design - Oracle Database
  • Experience with ETL and big data
  • Ability to both take direction as well as work independently to deliver on projects
  • Great numerical and analytical skills


  • Assemble large, complex data sets that meet business requirements
  • Identify, design, and implement internal process improvements: optimizing data delivery, re-designing infrastructure for greater scalability
  • Supporting data transformation, data structures, metadata, and dependency
  • Work with stakeholders, including cross-functional teams, to assist with data-related technical issues
  • Knowledge of advanced statistical techniques and concepts (regression, properties of distributions, statistical tests, proper usage, etc.)



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