За компанијата: Ние имаме 40 канцеларии во 20 земји и воедно сме зачетници во професионалното советување на територијата на источна Европа. Нашата разгранета мрежа и широката палета на услуги кои ги пружаме гарантира... повеќе за компанијата »

HILL Skopje is recruiting for our client:

Norna, a Swedish cutting-edge AI company in the fashion industry operating in the intersection of analytics, technology, and design to improve the performance of retailers and to allow them to compete against tech giants. This position is based in Skopje, will work seamlessly with the rest of the Teams in Sweden and Asia, and although the work is individual, it is important that the candidate can support good team collaboration.

The company is growing rapidly and as they analyze and manage large and complex data sets that they harvest themselves, and strive to provide unique and actionable insights to reputable and professional customers within the fashion industry, they are looking for a highly capable and devoted professional for the position of

                                                                    Front-End Developer

Job description:

  • Develop new features within the systems
  • Enhance the applications to maximum speed and scalability
  • Collaborate with team members and stakeholders in order to define how the application should look and work now as well as in the future


  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience
  • 3 years working experience with React, TypeScript and JavaScript
  • Experienced user of at least one mainstream database
  • Excellent working knowledge of English
  • Experience with CI/CD pipeline
  • Experience with GitHub/GitLab
  • Experience with Docker/Containers
  • Good code structure and style

Our client is offering you a perspective role, a possibility to fully express and further improve your professional abilities within an international environment.

If you envisage yourself in the above-described position, please send us your CV in English, stating the position title, exclusively to our address, with full confidentiality.

e-mail: [најави се за да го видиш е-маилот]

tel: 02/3296-481

ul. Anastas Mitrev 26/4, 1000 Skopje

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