Facility Manager

За компанијата: „Синцеритас“ АД Скопје е фармацевтска компанија чиј фокус на работење е култивирањето и производството на канабис за медицинска намена. Работните практики и политики во нашата компанија се усогласени со... повеќе за компанијата »

 Facility Manager

Job Overview: The Facility Manager is responsible for ensuring the optimal functioning and maintenance of the physical assets and infrastructure of the organization. This includes managing facilities, equipment, and support services to create a safe, secure, and productive work environment.

Key Responsibilities:

  1. Facility Maintenance:
    • Develop and implement maintenance schedules for buildings, equipment, and systems.
    • Coordinate and oversee repair and maintenance activities, ensuring minimal downtime.
    • Manage relationships with external vendors and service providers.
  2. Safety and Security:
    • Implement and enforce safety and security protocols for the facility.
    • Conduct regular inspections to identify and address potential hazards.
    • Collaborate with relevant stakeholders to ensure compliance with safety regulations.
  3. Space Management:
    • Plan and allocate office space efficiently to meet organizational needs.
    • Oversee office moves, renovations, and reconfigurations.
    • Maintain accurate records of space allocations and utilization.
  4. Utilities and Services:
    • Monitor and manage utility consumption, identifying opportunities for efficiency.
    • Negotiate contracts and oversee services such as cleaning, waste disposal, and security.
    • Respond to and resolve facility-related issues in a timely manner.
  5. Budgeting and Cost Control:
    • Develop and manage the facility budget, ensuring cost-effectiveness.
    • Identify opportunities for cost savings without compromising quality or safety.
  6. Environmental Sustainability:
    • Implement and promote environmentally sustainable practices.
    • Explore and recommend energy-efficient technologies and practices.
  7. Emergency Preparedness:
    • Develop and maintain emergency response plans.
    • Conduct drills and training to ensure the readiness of the facility and its occupants.
  8. Communication and Stakeholder Management:
    • Collaborate with various departments to understand and meet their facility-related needs.
    • Communicate effectively with employees, management, and external partners.


  • Bachelor's degree in Facility Management, Business Administration, or a related field.
  • Proven experience in facility management or a related role.
  • Strong knowledge of building systems, codes, and regulations.
  • Excellent organizational and communication skills.
  • Ability to analyze complex issues and develop effective solutions.
  • Proficient in using facility management software and tools.

Additional information: Candidates who meet the above conditions can send their CVs to e-mail: [најави се за да го видиш е-маилот]

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