HR Manager

За компанијата: Предизвиците во областа на човечките ресурси не се само наша секојдневна работа, туку се и наша страст. Нашето знаење и експертиза ни дозволуваат да имаме уникатен пристап кон секоја задача. Нашите клиенти... повеќе за компанијата »

NOVA International School is the leading co-educational, English medium day school with educational programs ranging from PK to Grade 12. The school was established in 1997 to offer exceptional opportunities for growth and development to children of expatriates and local families residing in Skopje. On behalf of our client, DEKRA is looking for:

  • HR Manager


Strategic HR Planning and Leadership:

  • Develop and implement HR strategies aligned with the school’s strategic plans;
  • Provide leadership in the creation of HR policies and procedures;
  • Align HR initiatives with the long-term objectives of the organization;
  • Cooperate with relevant roles in the institution in order to better understand and address the school’s human capital needs;
  • Lead and direct the HR team in executing HR initiatives and procedures;

Staffing and Personnel administration:

  • Create a strategic approach in assessment of recruitment needs, in cooperation with the leadership team;
  • Provide guidance on planning of the human capital, succession planning, and professional development;
  • Develop and implement a comprehensive recruitment strategy;
  • Establish and maintain partnerships with key recruitment partners and stakeholders for both local and international hires;
  • Responsible for creating contract offers and overseeing the administration of employees’ registration and deregistration;
  • Responsible for creating, executing and analyzing data from employees’ onboarding and offboarding processes, including planning and coordinating orientation sessions, liaising with principals/supervisors, as well as exit processes, exit interviews, data analysis and predictions;
  • Oversee the work visa procurement for overseas and local foreign hires, supported by outsourced legal advisor;
  • Responsible for overseas hires’ transitions; 

Employee Relations and Engagement:

  • Oversee the development and execution of employee engagement initiatives;
  • Collaborate with division principals and supervisors to address employee relations issues in line with relevant school policies;
  • Support Division principals and supervisors in establishing and implementing employee relations strategies that foster a positive work environment;
  • Analyze relevant data and report on trends and indicators of school morale, including suggestions for improvement;

Compensation and Benefits:

  • Manage the school’s salary scales, pay policies, bonuses and stipends, in coordination with the Business Manager;
  • Provide strategic overview and recommendations on the school’s compensation and benefits programs;
  • Analyze trends and data, with focus on international schools, to ensure competitive Offers;
  • Collaborate with the Business Manager and School Director to develop and refine compensation and benefits strategies that attract, retain, and motivate employees;
  • Oversee payroll and benefits administration;

Performance Management and Development:

  • Oversee the implementation of the Growth policy;
  • Liaise with division Principals in updating the Growth policy in line with gathered feedback and school’s strategies;
  • Support division Principals and supervisors in aligning performance outcomes with professional development opportunities;

Compliance and Risk Management:

  • Ensure compliance with relevant labor laws, regulations, and industry standards;
  • Provide strategic oversight of HR policies and procedures to mitigate risks and ensure legal compliance;
  • Collaborate with legal advisors to address complex HR-related legal matters;

HR Analytics and Reporting:

  • Develop and implement HR analytics and reporting mechanisms to provide strategic insights to school leadership team;
  • Provide strategic recommendations based on data analysis in areas such as employee turnover, employee experience, recruitment and retention;

HR Department:

  • Supervise the HR department and provides guidance and coaching in executing tasks;
  • Provide regular support and supervision sessions for each team member, in line with the Growth Policy guidelines;
  • Foster a productive work environment within the HR team.


  • 5 years minimum experience in an HR position;
  • BA or MA degree in economics, business, management/marketing, or in a personnel management related field;
  • Excellent English speaking and writing skills;
  • Highly developed interpersonal, writing, and communication skills;
  • High integrity and level of confidentiality;
  • Demonstrate maturity and professionalism;
  • Act as a role model for the organization;
  • Work collaboratively with a variety of people and make informed decision around resourcing, reporting and relationships;
  • Experience in payroll and benefits administration;
  • Skills in database management and record keeping;
  •  Knowledge of Macedonian Labor and Occupational and Safety laws.

Preferred Skills and Experience:

  • Experience in working in an international environment; 
  • Experience in working in an educational environment;
  • Experience in administering international hires.


If you have the experience and you are interested in this opportunity, please send your CV in English on the following e-mail address: [најави се за да го видиш е-маилот]

All received applications will be considered in strict confidentiality.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for an interview.

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