Player Protection Analyst

За компанијата: Предизвиците во областа на човечките ресурси не се само наша секојдневна работа, туку се и наша страст. Нашето знаење и експертиза ни дозволуваат да имаме уникатен пристап кон секоја задача. Нашите клиенти... повеќе за компанијата »

On behalf of our client, DEKRA is looking for:

  • Player Protection Analyst


  • Identify and monitor accounts which are classified based on increasing risk levels;
  • Analyze changes in account activity which may indicate a player is experiencing gambling related harm and take an appropriate course of action;
  • Detect unusual activity which may give rise to Money Laundering and/or Terrorist Financing;
  • Prevent underage gambling and identify vulnerable players;
  • Investigate markers of harm, customer records, external data, publicly available information and other data sources to identify individual risk factors;
  • Investigate and subsequently close suspicious accounts in order to mitigate risk and protect revenue losses for the business;
  • Investigate transactions and customer records, external data, utilise publicly- available information, and other data to identify suspicious or unusual activity;
  • Review and monitor customer account registrations, deposit and withdrawal transactions;
  • Perform various AML reviews; KYC (Know Your Customer), SoW (Source of Wealth), SoF (Source of Fund) and CRA (Customer Risk Assessment) checks;
  • Initial Source of Wealth Requests, including record keeping of sent requests;
  • Review and process Source of Wealth documentation provided by the customer;
  • Timely communication with players via email or telephone in a proactive and empathetic manner;
  • Maintain accurate database records in line with regulatory requirements;
  • Proactively apply harm reducing measures to player accounts via responsible gambling tools or closure of customer accounts
  • Encourage and promote the use of responsible gambling tools available;
  • Regulatory and business reporting;
  • Contribute to the development of departmental policies, products and service;
  • Liaise with and escalate cases to the AML team, Player Protection Manager and MLRO;
  • Maintain a professional working relationship with other operational teams;
  • Attend and participate in regular responsible gaming workshops and training.


  • Excellent English speaking and writing skills;
  • Excellent communication skills both written and over the phone;
  • Willingness to learn MGA licensing regulations;
  • Analytical thinking with excellent attention to detail;
  • Positive mindset and a flexible approach;
  • Proficiency in MS suite and ability to learn and utilize new applications;
  • Willingness to learn and strive to improve professionally;
  • Ability to work well in a team from a remote location on a rotating 7 day shift basis.


If you feel that you have the necessary experience and are interested in this opportunity, please send your CV in English on the following e-mail address:  [најави се за да го видиш е-маилот]

All received applications will be considered in strict confidentiality. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for an interview.

*By sending your CV and motivation letter, you agree that your personal data will be processed for the needs of recruitment and selection by DEKRA Arbeit Macedonia and they will be stored in the DEKRA database.

Note: Candidates can withdraw their permission to process their personal documents at any time by sending a notification to the e-mail: [најави се за да го видиш е-маилот]


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